Thursday 15 December 2011

breakfast oats 4 block meal

Had this this morning.

Oatmeal -1 full cup -3 blocks carb
1/2 cup or 100gm of grapes - 1 block carb
Large 28g Scoop of protein powder - 4 blocks protein
12 almonds - 4 blocks fat

This is my favourite meal of the day at the moment - it leaves me fullest for longest so far on this nutrition approach. I have a feeling that with the workouts I am doing I will need to start to up the fat blocks by x2 or x3 soon - but at present I want to see how the 4 block affects me. It certainly leaves me feeling a might hungrier....this may be my insulin levels "resetting" or it may be that I do indeed need to add in more fat. Yum!!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Post workout snack - 2 blocks

Just finished today's WOD  and has the following as a 2 block snack:

14g of protein powder mixed with water
6 almonds

Today's lunch

Scrambled eggs (4 large eggs - 4 protein blocks)
Bacon bits (10 tsp full - 4 fat blocks)
1/2 cup kidney beans (2 carb blocks)
1 slice minus a little of rye bread (2 carb blocks)

The kidney beans went lovely with the eggs and the bacon.

Add some hot sauce for good measure to the eggs.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

In the Zone!

Trying out the Zone Diet following having read some rave reports from Crossfitters on how the diet has improved their performance and body composition. To be honest, once I got the measuring system of Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat "blocks" into my head, it is wonderfully simple.

Here is a 4 block lunch I made today: Grilled Pork loin with pan fried mushrooms in butter, bacon bits and brussel sprouts.

4oz Grilled Pork loin (4 blocks of protein)
1.5 cups brussel sprouts (2 blocks of carbs)
Mushrooms - (1.5/2 blocks carbs)
bacon bits (2 block fats)
butter (2 block fats)

I was pleased that the size ratios of the different items pretty much resembled what I would have put together anyhow. We tend to eat a similar diet in our house anyhow, watching the carbohydrate levels and qualities and making sure that we get good amounts of proteins and fats.