Tuesday 8 November 2011

Basic skills, strength and WOD session with Steve

Tonight I worked with Steve on only his second session using Crossfit protocols. We began the session with a warm up which included some revision from the last session: practicing squat form, lever push up (from the knees) progressions with hollow body position and supine core progressions.
Then, tonight, we focused on starting strength development with static holds on the rings, which he had never done before. We also worked on developing a basic deadlift using some PVC pipe.
I felt we should work through a WOD that taxed him a little more than the previous 2 sessions, but still kept it tame and manageable. We went for:

7:00 AMRAP
8 deadlifts with 20k unloaded bar
3 negative lowers from chin-over-bar pull up position - each taking 3 seconds

I was pleased as Steve kept going through the whole WOD at a steady pace, and managed 7 rounds. He was soaked through but not exhausted. He left ennervated and stoked. This is perfect at this very early stage of his training and satisfying that the scaling was appropriate.

The video clip above of his ring holds was the last one. He was tired at this point but notice his hollow body set up at the outset:nice. He actually held for 22.5 secs on his best of 5 attempts, which we PRd him for to beat next time.

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